Online Classes
At Lakeside Debate, our online Congressional Debate classes help students learn the fundamentals of Congressional Debate and build their skills to become nationally competitive debaters. Students can attend class up to three times a week.
Experienced Classes begin the week of 16 September; Classes for inexperience debaters begin 25 September. Not sure where you fit? Email and we can assist!
Financial assistance is available for classes. Please email to learn more.
For All Congressional Debaters
Civics for Congressional Debaters Wednesdays @ 8:30p CT Starts 11 September 2024 12 Sessions Designed specifically for Congressional debaters, our Civics course offers students an in-depth understanding of Congress' roles and responsibilities, how funding and enforcement work, and a variety of student-chosen topics. All Congressional debaters are encouraged to enroll!
Experienced Congressional Debaters
Congressional Skills and Drills Mondays @ 8:30p CT (Section A) Starts 09 September 2024 12 Sessions Each week, this class focuses on a different aspect of Congressional debate. Students have the chance to revisit the basics of each skill, practice it through the use of creative drills, and put that knowledge into practice.
Register for classes
Once a week class
800$Â- 12 sessions/semester
Twice a week class
1,000$Â- 24 sessions/semester
Three classes per week
1,200$Â- 36 sessions/semester